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Jasper Lily's New Life

Jasper Lily’s incessant fear of the beach

Jasper Lily has gotten so brave as of late. She’s really filled out (figuratively and literally – I swear that little dog is bigger now). We’ve been going out and about a lot more. She has gotten so brave on our longer walks. I no longer suspect fear when she’s walking rather she walks with determination and purpose. Where Shelby would linger, lollygag, sniff, pee (on everything), Jasper seems intense and on a mission. I don’t know if it’s the working dog in her (more and more I think she’s a Kelpie mix and not a Basenji mix) or how she was trained. She likes to be outside – she likes to go but on her terms.

We’ve been going to the outdoor cinema a lot lately. She does GREAT. She’s friendly with people and other dogs; she’s incredibly social. She always hates the live music pre-show (as do the humans with her) but we cover up her ears and boom – problem solved. She still needs to learn some ‘boundaries’ when we get food from the food trucks (meaning, don’t lick mommy’s french fries). But overall, she does great.

She still acts psycho in the car. She prefers to ride on the floor, almost burying herself under the seats, and shoots me looks of either fear or contempt (I can’t really tell but it’s definitely an intense version of her “resting bitch face”). But she will voluntarily get into my car so I don’t think she’s getting car sick. I’ve put towels, babies, food back there and the reaction is always the same. So I’ve let it go. It may not be how Shelby liked to ride in the car but Jasper isn’t outwardly traumatized as far as I can tell.

I live about 3/4 – 1 a mile from the beach. I also live near LAX airport and the planes take off over the Pacific. We hear these planes by our apt all the time and Jasper never reacts. I love the beach. I always have. My daddy loved the beach and I grew up spending summer months on the coast. ALL of our dogs growing up loved the beach. Dogs are meant to be on the beach. In LA, dogs aren’t allowed (per se) on the beach. We can walk on the bike path but paws off the sand. There is a sanctioned dog beach about 30 min south of me and that was where Shelby and I would go on the weekends. When Shelby got sick, it was harder for her to go that far so I would take her down to a little area of our beach and sit on the sand (not technically allowed but I dared a lifeguard to tell me to get my cancer-ridden dog off the beach when she was just sitting in the shade on a blanket). As many know, that was where Shelby made her eventual transition – on the beach – that she loved.

The beach was incredibly special to me and Shelby. Every Christmas, she would dress up in her annual Christmas outfit and walk along the beach, spreading cheer and holiday love to all. During the year, often we would go down there to sit, listen to the waves, chill, enjoy a sunset or two. After Shelby passed, living as close as I do to the beach, it was hard for to run that bike path that I had walked so often with Shelby. It brought tears instead of joy. But gradually, I have taken back the beach. It is still my sanctuary.

So of course I assumed Jasper Lily would love the beach. Why not? She’s a dog. Dogs love the beach. Well from day one – Jasper has feared the beach. Her eyes go HUGE and her ears stand tall(er). She starts panting up a storm and has her tail between her legs.

Since she had gotten so brave about so many other things, I figured it was time to revisit the beach. Well last night’s trip to the beach was like the others. As soon as she saw the sand, she flipped out. She tried to crawl up the sand wall to get back to where she knew the car was. I got her to walk a bit but she definitely was looking for her exit strategy.  We walked about 1/4 of a mile (if that) and when we turned around, she was even MORE motivated to go. She knew she was going back to the car. But not before we sat on a bench so I could try and figure out what her true fear was. She tried to tunnel under the bench. Despair. Sadness. Disappointment. My new dog hates the beach. She won’t experience all the fun things other dogs do, running through the sand, being outside, making new friends. As she tried to crawl up my leg (I refused to pick her up), I realized that was OK.

Beautiful sunset – petrified dog!











Jasper doesn’t need to love the beach. That was a place that was so special to me AND Shelby (and my father). It was ‘our thing’. Jasper might be trying to tell me (and the Spirit of Shelby too) that it is time to create NEW memories and experiences. I felt a wave of peace come over me. It was like the light bulb went on. Life is about change. Life is about new experiences. The guilt I have felt in bringing Jasper into my life has become a little less. If Jasper and I create new memories and experiences,  it further preserves the eternal bond I had with Shelby. Santa Barbara trips, beach trips, happy hours … that was all stuff I did with Shelby and by trying to do that with Jasper, it felt wrong. It felt like I was ‘cheating’ on the life I had with Shelby. So while Jasper will have some similar experiences as Shelby (Shelby would have loved movie nights), Jasper and I are committed to creating our own memories.

For instance, Jasper loves to run. She’s a good little runner too. She stays in her lane, runs smoothly and evenly. Maybe I can train her to do a 5K with me. Her speed is a good pace (similar to mine, she’s about a sub-8 min/mile) and I think she has the endurance. Shelby was far to schizophrenic of a runner to even consider putting her in a race with other dogs/people.

Also, Jasper also loves to walk – she’s got endurance on her side. Maybe we will try hiking. She isn’t as easily distracted as Shelby was.

Jasper is her own dog and she is showing me that day in and day out. She is becoming more comfortable in her new world and I am proud of her. For a rescue, she has made such significant improvement from day one. Here is a photo of Jasper from the day I brought her home to today.

Our first night home















Jasper Lily today












She’s become a strong, confident girl. I can say I no longer have regrets about bringing her into my home. I truly feel that Shelby guided her to me and that since summer was always a favorite season of mine and Shelby’s, Shelby didn’t want me to be sad this first summer with out her. It’s been a tough summer but a summer filled with wonderful friends, new memories, some tears and lots of smiles!


Posted by on August 22nd, 2014 at 5:19 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (6)

6 Responses to “Jasper Lily’s incessant fear of the beach”

  1.   leland4 Says:


    You are spot on when you write about doing different activities with Jasper than what you did with Shelby. Jasper and Shelby have their own personality and likes/dislikes. I’m so happy for you that you are figuring out activities that may be better suited to Jasper (5k race and hiking). This way you’ll be creating all new memories with Jasper and enjoying life instead of being frustrated with Jasper because she doesn’t enjoy the same things as Shelby.

    I know how much you’ve struggled with bringing Jasper into your life and whether it was the right thing to do. I think you’re realizing that it’s ok if Jasper doesn’t fit perfectly into the memory of your Shelby. I think your and Jasper’s bond will continue to grow once you figure out the activities that Jasper will like to do.

    Jasper has already blossomed so much since you first brought her into your life as evidenced by the “before” and “after” pictures. She truly looks so happy and that smile is just gorgeous!!

    Sending you and Jasper Lily a BIG HUG on a job well done!!

    Sahana and her Angel Leland

  2.   Michelle Says:

    Way to go Jasper. Love the fact that you & your mom are doing movie nights and running together. I agree that doing new activities are good for both of you. But don’t give up on the beach she may still be scared of the feel of the sand & the noises. Do a little at a time, positive reinforcement take some training treats with you. I am not saying that you have to but you can still try if you want. I think its still so new to her the feel of it, the sounds of the water & the planes.

    But you are doing great. Your love has blossomed a lot. You both smile.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3.   penny4weims Says:

    That Jasper Lily is a cutie pie. I agree with Michelle, don’t give up on the beach. She may have had a bad experience there but she seems like a smart girl. Sit on a blanket, have a glass of wine and give Jasper a treat or 2. I bet she will forget all about her worries. And don’t forget agility, you get to run through the course and you would love doing that. Has anyone ever said she looks like a miniature pinscher to you? She kind of looks like that to me. You are doing a great job.

  4.   benny55 Says:

    Alison!!!! You really, really have done a splendid.job of “internal work”!!! . SPLENDID!!!

    This is an incredibly insightful post. Your sweet soul is having huge life lessons thrown your way! And you are figuring them out beautifully! Shelby continues to teach her most favorite.student in the world! And sweet Jasper Lily is rea l izing more and more that Shelby also brought her to you as your teacher.

    Watching you evolve…watching Jasper evolve…watching you both evolve together, just makes my heart sing!

    And then to see what YOU are teaching Jasper….sometimes.she’s the teacher, but sometimes she’s the student and you the teacher! What a great pairing of souls!

    It does look like she’s grown physically as well as soul growth. And I don’t know how it’s possible, but I think she’s even gotten cuter!

    My stupid tablet.isn’t letting me see.the video right now…but I’ll come back! Don’t want to miss these!!

    Looks like the treasured memories you and Jasper Lily will be making specific to the two.of you will involve.some.marathons and some.hiking out in nature. It’s a new twist on chillaxin!

    And far Jasper has come…she may eventually not be fearful of the beach….just a thought, the sand may be hot or painnful to her feet??? I think I mentioned one time before the wind could sting those radar ears of her!

    Yeah Alison…give yourself a hug as well as Jasper…you both are making Shelby soooooo proud!!!

    Love this post….so many victores for both of you!

    Sally and Happy Hannah and My Pal Merry Myrtle Mae!

  5.   jerry Says:

    Wow I really love the before and after comparison photos, that really sums it up, she is coming out of her shell. So much of that is because of your great attitude with her quirks. Yes, you are about to make lots of new memories that happen because she’s pulling you out of your comfort zone as well. They may not be the ones you envisioned for you two, but it doesn’t make them any less special. In one year, you will be so surprised at all of the great things you’ve done togerther!

    I love the hiking/running ideas to have some quality time together, that definitely sounds like it’s her mission in your life!

  6.   c1nicolei Says:

    Jasper Lily is so cute. Love her intentional walk that keeps veering her away from the sand and into the dunes. She seems to be a very “on mission” girl. I agree with you her tail is wagging and although intense does not seem overly fearful in her beach walking. I so miss the beach and wish my doggies could enjoy the ocean. Sadly none of my babies have ever seen a beach (other than the fake ones at the local lakes). Dogs WERE meant to enjoy the ocean, just like us humans.

    Hugs from Sarge and I

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